Project: Colvillle Road, Acton

Description: Colville Road, Acton is at the centre of a light industrial estate now located at the heart of the Acton Gardens masterplan. There is a clear contrast between the character and scale of Acton Gardens and the industrial estate. The scheme for Concept House addresses this situation through the provision of workplaces which complement the residential qualities of Acton Gardens. The proposals consist of a 9-storey building which includes studio, office and associated support facilities within a robust, flexible, architectural framework. The scheme provides an appropriately dense, but attractive working environment in a building which respects the street line, improves the urban realm around it, and contributes to the characterful architecture of the Acton Gardens development. It is hoped that these proposals for 33 Colville Road might act as a catalyst for the wider redevelopment of the area, setting a standard for workplaces which matches that of the homes already being provided.

Status: Project.