Project: The Drive, Coulsdon

The proposals consist of a small ‘front porch’ type extension directly addressing the access route to the house via the driveway, and behind this, the ‘under croft’ below the existing first floor extension is ‘filled in’ to provide a new kitchen space. This space then extends backwards over the footprint occupied by the current garage, which is re-built on the same footprint, becoming volumetrically continuous with a new ‘cloister like’ rear extension providing a light and airy passageway linking the reconfigured family room, utility, and kitchen / dining areas. Access is provided to the terrace from this ‘glazed link’ in front of the family room, and also from the dining area. A simple, low pitched, zinc roof will unify the rear extensions into a single volume, rationalising the volumetric composition of the additions and ‘simplifying’ the appearance of the house in general when viewed from the rear garden. White render will predominate on the rear and side elevations, harmonising with the existing home and its context.

Status: Planning