Project: Garden Room, Streatham.
Description: The scheme provides a new single storey garden room to the rear of a semi-detached 1930’s house in the Streatham Lodge Conservation Area. The building provides a home office, gym and ancillary facilities including a small kitchen area and WC. The form of the building reflects the hierarchy of spaces within, the asymmetrical pitched roof defining the wider gym space and narrower ancillary spaces below. This profile provides generous internal ceiling heights, while minimising the impact of the structure on the site boundaries. Natural timber linings and exposed rafters create a warm aesthetic internally, while vertical timber cladding externally reflects the character of the location at the bottom of the garden. Generous glazing, including two large rooflights and an openable glazed screen facing the garden, will provide ample natural light. A green roof reduces water run-off and aids biodiversity.
Status: Complete.