Project: St. Swithun’s Road, Hither Green

Description: The project consists of 9 new dwellings combining one and two bedroom apartments in a single terrace.  The proposed new residential terrace occupies the site of a derelict scout hut on St. Swithun’s Road, immediately adjacent to the church and church hall, to the rear of the former vicarage. Proposals intend to revive this neglected site, enhance the setting of the church and the adjacent structures, improving the quality and character of the urban realm. 

The scheme draws from its context in terms of its form, scale and materiality. Repeating gable forms echo the elevation of the church hall, as well as local terraced housing. Materials include white render, red brick and beige sandstone, again borrowing from the lexicon of materials which characterise the church buildings and surrounding homes. Building lines are informed by the adjacent structures, while the scale, massing and orientation of the building volumes respond to the sloping site and prevailing horizontal datums.

Status: Design Development.