Project: Thames Street, Sunbury
Description: The proposals for Thames Street, Sunbury, provide three modestly scaled homes in a terraced form, which adopts the scale, massing, and language of the ‘cottage’ style houses which characterise the context. The intention is to create a development which is harmoniously integrated into its site. The appearance of the buildings is derived from local precedents in their materiality and general arrangements. The site planning adopts a traditional layout, with the front elevation set back behind a common boundary wall. The scale of the building remains modest to protect the amenity of adjacent neighbours. This has resulted in a three-home terrace, with living areas on the ground floor addressing courtyard gardens to the front and rear, with bedroom accommodation at first floor overlooking Orchard Meadow. The terrace will constitute a fine example of contemporary housing, drawing from its context in terms of volume and materiality, but distinctive and characterful in its own right.
Status: Project